VICTORY IS NEAR | Our original website has been restored

Happy Ides of October, the Holiday of the October Horse! We are announcing fantastic news! As a big step toward our complete victory in the internal crisis, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus has recovered the original, old website of Nova Roma, and this present website is no longer needed for our operation. Thank you to all who […]

STATE MOURNING | For the Censorial Funeral of M. Minucius Audens

[[Message from the Consul]] It is with great sadness that I call the attention of all citizens and friends of Nova Roma that we observe today the first day of the three-day long state mourning for our esteemed M. Minucius Audens. The three days of state mourning were declared Dies Nefasti Publici (NP), and, according […]

Ludi Vicennales Winner Announcement

Nova Roma has completed 20 years and has celebrated its 20th Anniversary, the Sacred Year of Concordia with great pomp, with various public events and festivals, including a 20th Anniversary celebration in the city of Rome, Herself, and various online games and competitions. This is the official announcement of the results and the proclamation of […]