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Our traditional annual Nova Roma Summer Camp in Pannonia has been opened today, in the name of Legatus Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, by Praefectus C. Villius Vulso, in the local chapter of Nova Roma, burgus Colonia Rostallo, located in the Zemplén Mountains of Hungary, in the NR Regio Rostallonensis of Pannonia Pannonia of Nova Roma. This year, due to his other obligations, the governor Legatus Pro Praetore Cn. Lentulus will not be able to preside over the camp programs personally, but he is represented by his lieutenant-governor, C. Villius Vulso, commander of the cohors VI Carpathica and head of Regio Rostallonensis and Burgus Colonia Rostallo of Nova Roma.
The focus of activity will be legionary exercises of the NR legion Cohors VI Carpathica, mock battles, mountain tours, rituals, gladiator fight, Roman civilian life, and many others..

Nova Romans are preparing in spirit to the 8th Grand International Conventus of Nova Roma next year, to be held in Rome, during the great Parilia Festival (birthday of Rome, Natale di Roma /Italian/), which is an official festival event in Rome with Roman reenactors and cultural organizations assembling from all over the world.