The laws accessible from this page are non-corporate documents, and they cannot be interpreted within the corporate framework of Nova Roma, Inc., and have no legal meaning or any status within the corporation. This website doesn’t represent the corporation of Nova Roma. For corporate information, check the website of the Nova Roma corporation.
Enacted on: Pridie Kal. Ian. M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXVIII AUC (In the year of the Consulship of M. Pompeius and Sex. Lucilius, 31st December, 2768 AUC / 2015 AD)
I. It is the decision of the law respecting senators of Nova Roma that until there will be a solution to establish the legal government of Nova Roma for the next year 2769 AUC (2016 CE), from January 1st, the consul Sextus Lucilius Tutor, besides his office of Proconsul Sarmatiae he, as Proconsul should represent the legal government of Nova Roma and the lawful senate of Nova Roma.
II. Upon consultation with lawyer and when an agreement on legal solution is reached, Proconsul Sextus Lucilius Tutor shall act to ensure the legal and normal solution of interreges or other form of transitional government will be in place to conduct eventually the regular annual elections.
Enacted on: pr. Non. Oct. Cn. Lentulo T. Domitio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXIX AUC (In the year of the Consulship of Cn. Lentulus and T. Domitius, 6th October, 2769 AUC / 2016 AD)
Whereas the Senate and People of Nova Roma and the Republic of the Nova Roman People have been brought to a state of crisis and turmoil by a meditated coup,
whereas the perpetrators of the coup, Cn. Iulius Caesar, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix and their faction, who maintain control of the corporate infrastructure of Nova Roma, refuse to defer to lawfully established process and surrender control of Nova Roma’s infrastructure and communication channels,
and whereas the same perpetrators who brought Nova Roma to the aforementioned state of crisis, maintain control of the voting tools of Nova Roma, and disallow any exercise of electoral process and willfully impede the election of magistrates scheduled for this year by consul M. Pompeius Caninus, thereby leaving Nova Roma without any direction and organized activity,
we, the law respecting senatores of Nova Roma, proclaim the following unofficial, non-corporate senatus consultum ultimum to be enacted as a temporary measure, not to be held as binding under the corporate constitution of Nova Roma, Inc. or the regulations of the State of Maine:
I. As required by the Constitution, we appoint Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander as a non-corporate interrex for 4 consecutive terms to reactivate the last lawful call for candidates and elections issued by M. Pompeius Caninus, and to conduct a non-corporate election of consules for the remainder of the current year, by holding an unofficial and non-corporate session of the comitia centuriata. Since the voting platform of Nova Roma is under control of the coup faction, this non-corporate senatus consultum ultimum authorizes the interrex to create an alternative voting procedure by e-mails which shall differ from the procedure described by the lex Cornelia de ratione comitiorum centuriatorum only in those points where it is necessitated by the circumstances of the crisis.
II. The candidates thus elected shall be termed as “non-corporate consules” (or, alternatively, “Citizen Representatives”) and shall not be considered officers of Nova Roma Inc. or any part of the corporate structure and organization, but shall exist only within the symbolic framework of the res publica, and shall serve as unofficial civic representatives of the people that gave a mandate to them. The office of non-corporate consules is to be regarded as separate from the corporation; the purpose of the office being to direct Roman community life without having the power to issue any decision with binding force on the corporation.
III. Candidates for the non-corporate consulship shall be at least 21 years of age and shall have been a citizen of Nova Roma for at least 3 years; all other requirements for candidacy defined by the lex Cornelia de cursu honorum are hereby waived for this election.
IV. The mandate of the non-corporate consules shall be to establish a framework for the Nova Roman community to be able to function properly during the period of crisis so as to facilitating the return of order and lawfulness to the Republic.
V. This unofficial, non-corporate senatus consultum ultimum shall not have any legal meaning or official status either under the laws of the State of Maine or within the context of Nova Roma, Inc. as a corporation chartered in the State of Maine, USA; however, it shall become an official senatusconsultum ultimum of the Nova Roman Senate upon later confirmation by the lawful, legal state and corporate authorities of Nova Roma after order is restored to the Republic.
Enacted on: pr. Non. Oct. Cn. Lentulo T. Domitio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXIX AUC (In the year of the Consulship of Cn. Lentulus and T. Domitius, 6th October, 2769 AUC / 2016 AD)
I. All provincial governors shall remain in the position in which they were legally appointed before the coup, 16 November M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio coss., regardless of any decision of the coup senate.
II. The governors thus prorogued, if not also prorogued by the corporate senate that supports coup, shall be considered non-corporate governors in the same manner and status as the non-corporate senate, non-corporate comitia, the non-corporate acting princeps senatus, the non-corporate interrex and the non-corporate consuls.
III. This unofficial, non-corporate senatus consultum shall not have any legal meaning or official status either under the laws of the State of Maine or within the context of Nova Roma, Inc. as a corporation chartered in the State of Maine, USA; however, it shall become an official senatus consultum of the Nova Roman Senate upon later confirmation by the lawful, legal state and corporate authorities of Nova Roma after order is restored to the Republic.
Enacted on: a.d. XIV Kal. Ian. Cn. Lentulo T. Domitio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXIX AUC (In the year of the Consulship of Cn. Lentulus and T. Domitius, 19th December, 2769 AUC / 2016 AD)
Whereas the Senate and People of Nova Roma and the Republic of the Nova Roman People have been brought to a state of crisis and turmoil by a meditated coup,
whereas the perpetrators of the coup, Cn. Iulius Caesar, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix and their faction, who maintain control of the corporate infrastructure of Nova Roma, refuse to defer to lawfully established process and surrender control of Nova Roma’s infrastructure and communication channels,
and whereas the same perpetrators who brought Nova Roma to the aforementioned state of crisis, maintain control of the voting tools of Nova Roma, and disallow any exercise of electoral process and willfully impede the election of magistrates, thereby leaving Nova Roma without any direction and organized activity,
we, the law respecting senatores of Nova Roma, determine that the consules shall take care that the Republic suffer no harm or injury, and proclaim the following unofficial, non-corporate senatus consultum ultimum to be enacted as a temporary measure, not to be held as binding under the corporate constitution of Nova Roma, Inc. or the regulations of the State of Maine:
I. Since the voting platform of Nova Roma is under control of the coup faction, until further instructions from the Senate, the consules are by this senatus consultum ultimum authorized to be exempted from under all restrictions and regulation concerning the holding of senate sessions or assemblies of the comitia, including the regulations on elections and candidacies, in order to ensure a timely and viable process of any necessary legislation and election before pridie Kal. Ian. (December 31) in the current calendar year Cn. Cornelio Lentulo Alexando et T. Domitio Dracone consulibus MMDCCLXIX AUC (2016 AD). The laws temporarily suspended include, but are not limited to, the senatus consultum de ratione senatus MMDCCLXV, the lex Cornelia de ratione comitiorum populi tributorum, lex Cornelia de ratione comitiorum centuriatorum and the lex Cornelia de cursu honorum. Other laws, or sections within laws, that address any aspect of elections or sessions of the senate and the comitia, are also covered within this exemption.
II. It is required from the consules that they follow the letter of the law to its fullest extent and use their exemption from under the rules of senate sessions and comitia proceedings only when it is unavoidably necessitated by the circumstances of the crisis.
III. In order to facilitate the upcoming work of this august body, all voting members of this senate are, for the duration of the crisis, recognized as senatores under the lex Popillia senatoria (dated and effective from the day of their joining the “Lawful Senate of Nova Roma” mailing list), and A. Tullia Scholastica is hereby designated as permanent Acting Princeps Senatus for the non-corporate senate of Nova Roma; no further special censorial designation will be required in the future duration of the crisis.
IV. The consules are further instructed to pass a lex, under the authority of this senatusconsultum ultimum, in the comitia centuriata which shall regulate the temporary crisis government and the continued operation and active functioning of the Nova Roman Republic. The lex enacted under the authority of this senatus consultum ultimum shall be regarded as being part of, and taking effect within the frames of, this senatus consultum ultimum, and thus it shall be considered to have the same legal force as a senatus consultum ultimum.
V. This year’s consules’ principal mandate has been determined by this Senate as to to establish a framework for the Nova Roman community to be able to function as to facilitating the return of order and lawfulness to the Republic. In order to increase the sense of morale, civic activism for pressing on toward the goal of restoring Nova Roma, the sense of Nova Roma patriotism and loyalty, and in order to increase the awareness about the connection of our online community activities and the real life Roman communities within our res publica, and the visibility of, and awareness about, our Nova Roman reenactment legions, the recruitment of the voluntary activist groups which participate in the intellectual and legal fight for defending and restoring Nova Roma shall be organized in a manner honoring the tradition of Roman legions, and, simultaneously, promoting our own legions that are dedicated to the service of Nova Roma.
V.1. Consul Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, Consul T. Domitius Draco and the Proconsul Sex. Lucilius Tutor are hereby instructed to take the ceremonial command of the legions of Nova Roma, and, by doing so, to establish a framework where Nova Roman citizens who wish to participate actively in the campaign of saving, restoring and reforming Nova Roma, by voluntary activities (such as participation in constructive debates, criticism and activism making benevolent pressure on the unscrupulous group that controls Nova Roma) are assigned as ceremonial “external” or “supporting members” to Nova Roman legions
V.2. The Consules Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, T. Domitius Draco and the Proconsul Sex. Lucilius Tutor shall recruit citizen activists in form of assigning them (with the previous agreement and approval of the involved legion commanders) to the loyal Nova Roman legions as “reservist (and/or long distance) and administrative service personnel”, and then take care that these groups of activists will work in an organized and coordinated manner to help Nova Roma return to normalcy and function. The specific framework and operation of this activist program shall be decided and approved unanimously by all involved legion commanders and by the two consules.
VI. This unofficial, non-corporate senatus consultum ultimum shall not have any legal meaning or official status either under the laws of the State of Maine or within the context of Nova Roma, Inc. as a corporation chartered in the State of Maine, USA; however, it shall become an official senatus consultum ultimum of the Nova Roman Senate upon later confirmation by the lawful, legal state and corporate authorities of Nova Roma after order is restored to the Republic.
Enacted on: a.d. XIV Kal. Feb. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 19th January, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. Clarifying terminology of current Consular Tribunes as governors
The Senate of Nova Roma determines that a governor who is concurrently a Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate may use, when acting in the capacity of governor, the title “Tribunus Militum Pro Consule” of the province. When addressing, or dealing with, legions, provinces or matters requiring imperium, all Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate may use the title “Tribunus Militum Consulari Imperio” or “Tribunus Militum Pro Consule” as alternative title.
II. Assignment of provinces
A. The Senate of Nova Roma prorogues the term of the following governors:
1. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus as (a) Praefectus of Italia and (b) Legatus Pro Praetore of Pannonia.
2. Sextus Lucilius Tutor as Tribunus Militum Pro Consule of (a) Venedia and (b) Sarmatia.
3. Gaius Claudius Quadratus as Tribunus Militum Pro Consule of Canada Citerior.
4. Gaius Tullius Valerianus Germanicus as Proconsul of America Deserta.
B. The Senate of Nova Roma recognizes the following governors appointed before the coup d’état, but their full prorogation depends on their acceptance of this prorogation. The Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate shall contact them and inquire about their acceptance of the prorogation:
1. Marcus Pompeius Caninus as Proconsul of Alasca et Havaia.
2. Quintus Fabius Maximus as Proconsul of (a) California Angelensis and (b) California Franciscensis.
3. Titus Iulius Sabinus as Proconsul of Dacia.
4. Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus as Legatus Pro Praetore of America Texia.
5. Gaius Marcius Crispus as Legatus Pro Praetore of Britannia.
6. Tiberius Marcius Ramazinus as Legatus Pro Praetore of America Gallica
7. Gaius Decius Laterensis as Legatus Pro Praetore of (a) Ohio and (b) Lacus Magni.
8. Aulus Iulius Paterculus as Legatus Pro Praetore of Nova Britannia Ulterior.
C. The Senate appoints the following citizens as new governors:
1. Gaius Claudius Quadratus as Tribunus Militum Pro Consule of Canada Ulterior.
2. Quintus Lutatius Catulus as Tribunus Militum Pro Consule of Hispania.
3. Titus Domitius Draco as Proconsul of (a) Mediatlantica and (b) Columbia.
4. Marcus Claudius Nero as Legatus Pro Praetore of Australia.
5. Tiberius Aurelius Longinus as Legatus Pro Praetore of Cismissippiana.
6. Lucius Marius Vestinus as Legatus Pro Praetore of Virginia.
D. The senate instructs Proconsul C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus to appoint C. Petronius Africanus as his provincial Quaestor, second to command in his province, and, when in absence from administrative activity, to delegate the exercising of all government functions to the Quaestor.
E. Assignment of military provinces, legions and ungoverned territories
1. Inasmuch as the supreme command of all the ceremonial army, the legions and reenactor units of Nova Roma always belong to the highest magistrates with imperium who are the head of state of the res publica, and thus for the current year this commander-in-chief position belongs to the Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate Sex. Lucilius Tutor, C. Claudius Quadratus, P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus and Q. Lutatius Catulus, the actual administrative state command and ceremonial field command, as described in the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM ON THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF THE RES PUBLICA DURING THE CRISIS V, is hereby granted to consular senator Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander alongside with consular imperium and the title Proconsul, and to Proconsul T. Domitius Draco.
2. In order to exercise this command, satisfying the requirements of the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM ON THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF THE RES PUBLICA DURING THE CRISIS V, Proconsul Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander shall have greater imperium in all provinces than what the actual governors of the provinces possess (thus having administrative-ceremonial command over the legio XXI Rapax, the cohors VI Carpathica and all other legions whose status and loyalty is not clarified yet), with the exception of Provincia Mediatlantica and Provincia Columbia, where Proconsul T. Domitius Draco shall have the greatest imperium (and thus administrative-ceremonial command over the legio XXIV Media Atlantia). The only other modification to the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM ON THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF THE RES PUBLICA DURING THE CRISIS V is pertinent to V.2, and the decision making power about the specific framework and operation of the “legionary activist program” described therein is placed hereby in the hands of the Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate, who shall decide by unanimous decision, and such decision shall be approved by the involved administrative-ceremonial field commander, either the Proconsul Cn. Lentulus Alexander or the Proconsul T. Domitius, and also by all involved legion (reenactor group) commanders.
3. In order to take care of the provinces that have been left ungoverned, all provinces of Nova Roma that have still remained without assigned governors shall be temporarily assigned as the provinces of Proconsul Cn. Lentulus Alexander, with the condition that he should search for governor candidates for these provinces, and whenever a candidate is found to the governorship of any of these provinces, he shall appoint them as his legates, and the senate shall discuss their appointments as governors as soon as possible.
Enacted on: a.d. XIV Kal. Feb. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 19th January, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. The Non-Corporate Senate of Nova Roma gives the mandate to P. Porcius Licinus, the Liberator, who served so far with paramount virtue, dignity and excellence as the legatus of Proconsul Sex. Lucilius Tutor entrusted with the direction of the legal maneuvers, and besides, until the Kalends of January as the praefectus consularis iuri consulendo et bello civili gerendo of Consul Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, and from the Kalends of Janurary, as praefectus tribunicius consularis iuri consulendo et bello civili gerendo of Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate Sex. Lucilius, to continue the direction of the legal maneuvers, but from now his legatus position is to become as a Senate-appointed legatus position, and he is hereby given praetorian imperium with the title Pro Praetore and the legal fight as his province, and he is assigned by the Senate to the Consular Tribune Sex. Lucilius as his legatus, reporting not only to the Tribune but also to the Senate.
II. The Non-Corporate Senate hereby gives the authorization to Legatus Pro Praetore P. Porcius Licinus to accelerate, depending on common decision with Tribunus Sex. Lucilius Tutor, the Consular Tribune’s Quaestor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, and the committee of the liberatores, the process of the legal fight for the sake of the liberation of Nova Roma, and to take the necessary steps with the attorneys of the Nova Roman People, the Quirites.
III. This appointment is effective after P. Porcius Licinus’ acceptance of it.
Enacted on: the 2770th Parilia, the Birthday of Rome, in the Sacred 20th Year of Nova Roma, a.d. XI Kal. Mai. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 21st April, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
The Senate of Nova Roma, in the name of Nova Roman People, our legions, our magistrates and the sacred colleges, gives an official mandate to the Co-President of our Republic,Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate, Augur C. Claudius Quadratus, to perform public State rituals in the City of Rome on the 2770th Parilia, the Founding Anniversary and Birthday of Rome, for the well-being, prosperity, progress, success and triumph of the Nova Roman Senate and People, the Quirites, in our Sacred 20th Year, for our rebirth, growth and glorious victory in restoring Romanitas, and for the removal of the abusers of our citizens’ rights and the usurpers of our republic’s corporation.
Date: on the 2770th Parilia, the Birthday of Rome, in the Sacred 20th Year of Nova Roma, April 21, 2770 AUC, a.d. XI Kal. Mai. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC.
Enacted on: the 2770th Parilia, the Birthday of Rome, in the Sacred 20th Year of Nova Roma, a.d. XI Kal. Mai. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 21st April, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
Preamble. Considering the emergency situation of the current civil crisis, whereas the laws of Nova Roma do not provide a quick, flexible and adaptable method for the operation of our Roman social hierarchy; and also recognizing the need for the periodical review and maintenance of the traditional Roman social orders; the Senate of Nova Roma enacts the following resolution in order to consolidate the insofar neglected Equestrian Order, and, on the occasion of these Parilia, the 2770th Anniversary of the Founding of Rome in the Sacred 20th Year of Nova Roma, to recognize the achievements, contributions and virtues of our most distinguished citizens who strove to make Nova Roma successful and who defended our republic and liberty against the violent aggression of the illegal tyranny.
I. The Senate of Nova Roma empowers the Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate to be exempted from under the rules in lex Cornelia de classibus et ordine equestri, and to enroll citizens who distinguished themselves with their extraordinary efforts for the advancement of Nova Roma and for defending the Republic, the People and the laws of Nova Roma, regardless of the number of their Census Points and assiduus status, to the Equestrian Order with the title “eques equo publico” or “eques publicus” (the official English rendition of this shall be “public equestrian” or “public knight”).
I.A. The equestrian rank of the citizens thus enrolled lasts until the next census, when the censores, or any magistrates then holding the potestas censoria, will have the power to review their status, and if the equestrian citizen does not meet the minimum requirement defined at II.B, the censores or magistrates holding the potestas censoria will be obliged to remove the citizen from the roll of equites equo publico.
I.B. The minimum requirement for maintaining membership in the Equestrian Order is to be an active participant of Nova Roman civic life, either in real life events, such as, conventions, meetings, reenacting or any visible form of real life activiy, or in form of online contributions, such as, for example, posting messages to community fora, participating in e-mail discussions, participation in ludi or contests, serving in appointed or elected offices, or producing any visible form of activity. At least one of these criteria must be met in order to maintain public knighthood. Failing to meet at least one of these criteria results in loss of public knighthood. Assiduus status is not a requirement in the year of the elevation to the knighthood, but in the next following such year when a census is held assiduus status will be a requirement for retaining the knighthood, except if the censores (or any magistrate conducting the census), elevate that citizen again to the equestrian order, on account of recent merits.
II. The public equestrians shall remain assigned to, and vote in, the class and century where they would belong according to the number of their Census Points and assiduus status.
III. All existing equestrians who belonged to the Equestrian Order prior to this senatus consultum ultimum, shall be categorized as equites equo publico in the same status as the newly-instituted category.
IV. All assiduus citizens who possess at least 151 Census Points shall be automatically ranked as “equites equo privato”, i.e. self-sustaining or self-sponsored equestrians (the official English rendition of this shall be “private equestrian” or “private knight”). Both the public equestrians and private equestrians shall be considered equestrians, but the public knighthood shall be considered a most prestigious public award given to the most merited citizens, while the private knighthood shall be only an indicator of the “wealth” in Census Points. Loss of assiduus status or losing the required minimum amount of 151 CP will result in automatic loss of the private knighthood.
V (number). Upon recommendation by the nomination committee chaired by the first and sole current member of the Equestrian Order, Quaestor and Praefectus of the Government Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, liberator, the following citizens shall be awarded equestrian rank with the title eques equo publico (including Cn. Cornelius Lentulus confirmed in his equestrian status with the title eques equo publico princeps iuventutis for serving as the first member of the public equestrians, also called “iuventus”, and for serving as the founder of the Liberators’ Saving Nova Roma Movement) effective on 21 April, Parilia:
A. For founding Nova Roma, for long time service to the Republic and for standing up for the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
M. Cassius Iulianus
Fl. Vedius Germanicus
B. For remarkably long time continuous extraordinary and exemplary service, loyalty and dedication to the Republic and the People of Nova Roma and for defending the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
A. Tullia Scholastica
P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus
C. For long time continuous extraordinary and exemplary service and dedication to the Republic and the People of Nova Roma and for defending the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
C. Claudius Quadratus
D. For singularly extraordinary achivements and contributions in defending the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
P. Porcius Licinus
E. For extraordinary achievements and contributions in defending the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens and for long time loyalty in service to Nova Roma:
Sex. Lucilius Tutor
F. For extraordinary achievements and contributions in defending the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens and for long time loyalty to Nova Roma:
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander
G. For significant contributions in defending the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens and for exemplary long time loyalty, dedication and honor in service of Nova Roma:
Pompeia Minucia Strabo
C. Aemilius Crassus
H. For significant contributions in defending the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens and for long time loyalty to Nova Roma:
C. Aurelius Suenseranus Iustinus
I. For significant contributions in defending the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
L. Lucretius Caupo
J. For defending the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens and for long time loyalty and honor in service of Nova Roma:
A. Liburnius Hadrianus
K. For defending the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens and for long time loyalty to Nova Roma:
M. Martianius Lupus
L. For defending the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
A. Vergilius Figulus
M. For extraordinary long time exemplary service and loyalty to Nova Roma with distinguished honor and virtue as a commander in the legions of Nova Roma, for extraordinary achievements in Roman reenactment spreading Roman culture all over the world, and for standing up for the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
Gallio Velius Marsallas
N. For extraordinary long time service and loyalty to Nova Roma as a legionary commander and as a leader of a gladiatorial reenactment group, for extraordinary achievements in Roman reenactment spreading Roman culture all over the world:
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius
O. For long time exemplary service to Nova Roma with loyalty and dedication as a commander in the legions of Nova Roma, for extraordinary achievements in Roman reenactment spreading Roman culture all over the world, and for standing up for the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis
C. Villius Vulso
Sp. Porcius Gemma
P. For long time exemplary service to Nova Roma with loyalty and dedication as a leader of a reenactment group affiliated to Nova Roma, for bringing Bulgaria to the bosom of the Nova Roman Republic, for extraordinary achievements in Roman reenactment spreading Roman culture all over the world, and for standing up for the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
A. Vitellius Celsus
Q. For extraordinary honor and virtue in long time exemplary public service to Nova Roma with utmost loyalty and for outstanding organization of provincial activities:
A. Iulius Paterculus
R. For exemplary service, honor, dedication and loyalty to the Nova Roman Republic and for standing up for the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
Ti. Cassius Atellus
S. For exemplary service, loyalty and dedication to the Nova Roman Republic during the recent times of hardship, and for actively standing up for the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
T. Domitius Draco
Q. Lutatius Catulus
Q. Arrius Nauta
T. Furius Noctua
T. For exemplary long time loyalty and honor in service of Nova Roma, and for standing up for the republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens:
M. Marcius Rex
C. Petronius Africanus
V (letter). For exemplary loyalty and dedication to Nova Roma, to our republican Constitution, the laws of Nova Roma, the freedom and rights of the citizens and for active participation and contributions in civic life during the recent times of hardship:
Sibylla Ambrosia Fulvia
Ti. Aurelius Longinus
L. Marius Vestinus
VI. The validity of the elevation to the Ordo Equester as public equestrian depends on the acceptance of the honor by the awarded citizen. Assignment to the Ordo Equester as private equestrian is automatic and citizens cannot decline the title, however the actual use of the title in civic life is left to each individual.
VII. Equestrians are entitled to receive distingished seats and take precendence over regular citizens within the same category at public events (an equestrian takes precendence over a non-equestrian ordinary citzen, but a senator or magistrate takes precendence over an equestrian, whereas an equestrian senator takes precendence over an ordinary senator and so on). As their insignia, public equestrians are entitled to wear the tunica angusticlavia, the equestrian trabea, the equestrian (golden) ring and equestrian shoes, private equestrians are entitled to wear only the tunica angusticlavia and the equestrian ring.
VIII. Direct descendants and wives or husbands of living knights of Nova Roma are entitled to wear the tunica angusticlavia, and they are considered to be subsidiary members of the Ordo Equester, although they are not considered knights/equestrians themselves. The legal definition of descendants is “equestri ordine nati” (“from the equestrian order by birth”), that of the wives or husbands is “matrimonio equestri ordine” (“from the equestrian order by marriage”). If the equestrian citizen who is the source of the family members’ association to the Order, loses the knighthood, dies or gets divorced, the association of the descendants or spouses to the Equestrian Order ends automatically, and they are no longer entitled to wear the tunica angusticlavia.
XI. The Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate or the Censores may enroll further citizens to the Equestrian Order, subject to their collegial veto.
Date: on the 2770th Parilia, the Birthday of Rome, in the Sacred 20th Year of Nova Roma, April 21, 2770 AUC, a.d. XI Kal. Mai. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC.
Enacted on: a.d. III Non. Quint. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 5th July, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. The Senate and People of Nova Roma commends Praefectus Rei Publicae Novae Romanae in Bulgaria A. Vitellius Celsus and his fellow Bulgarian Nova Romans for their 8 years of work towards the creation of Provincia Thracia of Nova Roma, and based on the Report of the Praefectus A. Vitellius, as delivered by Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate Sex. Lucilius Tutor, the Senate of Nova Roma decrees that new Provincia Thracia of Nova Roma is hereby established, founded and created by the date of August 12.
II. As a recognition and our sign of trust in A. Vitellius Celsus that he will serve Nova Roma and the interests of Nova Roma with utmost loyalty and dedication, the Senate appoints A. Vitellius Celsus as Legatus Pro Praetore Provinciae Thraciae, the first modern governor of Thracia, effective on August 12.
III. The Senatus Consultum on the official establishment of Provincia Thracia of Nova Roma, and the appointment of A. Vitellius Celsus as Legatus Pro Praetore Provinciae Thraciae shall be personally delivered to A. Vitellius Celsus and the citizens of Nova Roman Thracia by Legatus Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, our Quaestor, who is hereby appointed as special envoy, Legatus of the Senate, for the completion of this task. The ceremony of the creation of the Nova Roman Thracia and the investiture of the new governor shall take place on August 12, at the Nicopolis ad Istrum Festival, and Quaestor, Legatus Pro Propraetore Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, as the special envoy of the Senate, shall personally conduct these ceremonies in the name of the Tribuni Militum Consulari Potesate, the Senate and the People of Nova Roma.
Enacted on: a.d. III Non. Quint. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 5th July, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. The Senate of Nova Roma appoints C. Octavius Tranquillus as Legatus of Provincia Columbia, under the imperium of Proconsul T. Domitius Draco.
II. Legatus C. Octavius shall work under the guidance and supervision of the Proconsul, but C. Octavius reports directly to the Senate about his activities and developments in his area.
III. Oath of office is required.
Enacted on: a.d. III Non. Quint. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 5th July, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. The Senate authorizes the Praefectus of Italia, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, to organize the VIII International Conventus of Nova Roma, under the authority of the Heads of State, in the location of the City of Rome, during the Festival of Parilia, with the participation of Nova Roma in the festive procession of reenactors in the City Festival “Natale di Roma”.
II. The Conventus shall be focused on the celebration of the Parilia, the Birthday of Rome, and of the celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia, and a festive ceremony shall be included, with sacrificial ritual, as the main central event of the 20th Anniversary celebrations, alongside with the Concordialia of March 1, the Birthday of Nova Roma.
III. Cn. Lentulus is authorized to create a Commissio Conventus Praeparandi (Conventus Organizing Committee), whose members shall be appointed by him, and which Committee shall be responsible for the organization of the Conventus, with all decisions to be made by the Committee as a body. The Committee shall report to the Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate.
Enacted on: a.d. III Non. Quint. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 5th July, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. The Non-Corporate Senate of Nova Roma establishes a Conventus Accommodation Aid Fund for helping outstanding important citizens with the costs of accommodation in Rome.
II. The Fund shall be financed by donations, and shall be managed and directed by Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate C. Claudius Quadratus. When his term as Consular Tribune expires, he shall continue this task as Pro Consule in charge of the province of the Conventus Accommodation Aid Fund, which title is hereby automatically bestowed on him after expiration of his consular tribunician office.
III. The decision about the list of Nova Roman citizens whose accommodation costs (potentially including food, according to the decision of the board selecting the aided citizens) will be partially supported from the Fund shall be made unanimously by the Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate. When the term of office of the other Consular Tribunes expire, the Pro Consule C. Claudius Quadratus shall make his decisions with the unanimous agreement of the Commissio Conventus Praeparandi (in the same method as with the Consular Tribunes).
IV. The following requirements all shall be met for a citizen to be eligible for the aid:
1) the citizen shall be an individual who wouldn’t come to the Conventus unless he or she is financially aided,
2) the citizen shall have been a magistrate, governor, priest or senator of Nova Roma, and shall be a current assiduus,
3) the citizen shall be judged by the Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate as an outstanding important citizen whose presence at the Conventus will improve the Roman immersion and Roman experience of the other participants.
V. No money shall be given personally in the hands of any receiver of the aid: the recipients of this aid will be paying for the accommodation together with the manager of the Fund, Tribunus (or Pro Consule) C. Claudius, in a method decided by C. Claudius.
VI. All the money in the Fund has to be distributed equally among the recipients of the aid, and all the money in the Fund must be spent (and spent exclusively on this purpose). In case the money in the Fund will not have been used for this currently planned Conventus, all the money has to be refunded to the donors.
Enacted on: a.d. III Non. Quint. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 5th July, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. As the lex Cornelia Domitia de Re Publica Constituenda V.A. stipulates, Aediles Curules, Aediles Plebis and Tribuni Plebis can be elected for this current year Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. if the Senate resolves so in a senatus consultum. Hereby the Senate orders the Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate to hold elections for Aediles Curules, Aediles Plebis and Tribuni Plebis.
II. The presiding Consular Tribune for the election may deviate from the election laws and candidacy requirements in as much as the circumstances necessitate that. The presiding magistrate is also authorized to convene the Comitia Plebis Tributa for the election of Aediles Plebis and Tribuni Plebis, and for this reason, the current presiding magistrate must be a plebeian.
III. The four elected Aediles shall operate jointly as a college, and shall hold all the games that are observed according to Nova Roman tradition.
Enacted on: a.d. III Non. Quint. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 5th July, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
For the current year Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot., the Senate of Nova Roma recognizes citizens as Assidui who can be verified as taxpayers for the previous year Cn. Lentulo T. Domitio coss., or who contribute to the Conventus Accommodation Aid Fund an amount determined by the Tribuni Militum Consulari Potestate, set up by an edictum.
Enacted on: a.d. IV Id. Oct. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 12th October, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. In accordance with, and under the authority of, the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, and in order that republic suffer no harm, the Senate appoints the following citizens, acknowledging their great merits, dignitas, auctoritas and historical role in the founding years of Nova Roma, as interreges for the interregnum ordered and mandated by the law:
A. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, for three consecutive terms, between 14 October – 28 October.
B. M. Minucius Audens, for three consecutive terms, between 29 October – 12 November.
C. A. Tullia Scholastica, for three consecutive terms, between 13 November – 27 November.
II. This senatus consultum ultimum also empowers the Senate to appoint Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander as acting interim rex sacrorum for the necessary rituals of the completed founding of the Nova Roman People. His special interrex appointment shall be made in a separate senatus consultum, with the title “senatus consultum de sacro interregno et de populo Novo Romano rite condendo” and it shall work under the authority of this senatus consultum ultimum.
III. This senatus consultum ultimum suspends the requirement given in the lex Cornelia Domitia that all interreges had to be appointed for the entire interregnum and also suspends the deadline for the appointment of interreges, modifying it to pr. Id. Oct (14 October), and the Senate grants amnesty to the tribuni militum consulari potestate regarding their delay of the implementation of the orders of the People enshrined in the lex Cornelia Domitia.
IV. The pontifices who remained loyal to Nova Roma are hereby empowered to act in the place of the pontifex maximus and to issue temporary rules and procedures for the comitia curiata and for the priestly collegia in case of need.
V. The Senate determines that the government of the tribuni militum consulari potestate shall be reverted to the government of consules for the next year, and consules, praetores, censores and all the other constitutional magistrates shall be elected. The requirements for eligibility and the procedures of elections, comitia sessions and senate sessions shall be determined by the interrex and all points of any law or the Constitution that regulate these things shall be suspended.
VI. All existing edicts of the tribuni militum consulari potestate shall remain in force as long as they are not explicitly rescinded by future presidents of the res publica.
Enacted on: a.d. IV Id. Oct. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 12th October, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. Whereas the tribunus militum consulari potestate Sex. Lucilius Tutor, advised by the Sacred Colleges, consulted the Senate about the historical mission of Nova Roma and about the upcoming Ides of October that is going to open a new era in Roman history after the fall of Rome and the evanescence of the Roman People and Roman identity, THE SENATE, in our Sacred 20th Year, following the spirit of the Declaration of Nova Roma and our founders M. Cassius and Fl. Vedius, and having confirmed that in the last 20 years the Nova Roman People established the necessary connections with the Di Manes, the Penates and the Gods Immortal of the Roman People, laid the foundations of the res publica and the sacra publica and thus prepared this commonwealth to become the home of the renascent Roman People, CONCERNING ALL THESE MATTERS, DECREES, upon the order of the People enshrined in the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, THAT the renascent Roman People of the Quirites and its Genius and Divinities, who were first ritually summoned to be present again by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus on the Kalends of January, M. Cassio Fl. Vedio cos., 2750 AUC, before the founding of Nova Roma, then invoked, reborn and enclosed in the new Palladium and Pignora Imperii in K. Fabio T. Labieno cos., 2756 AUC, shall take possession of the society called Nova Roma and that Nova Roma shall become the carrier, the spiritual home and res publica of the renascent Roman People of the Quirites and its Genius and Divinities on the Ides of October this year during the festivities of the Equus October which ceremony shall complete and conclude, under royal auspices, the founding of the Nova Roman Nation, initiated by Cassius and Vedius and in process ever since, with the exception of those necessary closing rites, that are to be held the next year according to ancient tradition, which shall be performed next year, in the Sacred Year of Concordia, on the Concordialia, the 20th Birthday of Nova Roma, and also on the Parilia, the 2770th Birthday of Rome in the City of Rome Herself, during the Grand International Conventus of the Nova Roman People.
II. THE SENATE further DECREES THAT, in the same ceremony on these same Ides of October, the new Palladium and Pignora Imperii of the renascent Roman People of the Quirites shall be accepted, and from that day on, protected and venerated as the most sacred divine objects and tokens of the Nova Roman People, the essence and identity, the heart and soul of Nova Roma, on which the safety, welfare, prosperity, victory and good luck of the Nova Roman People depends, and by receiving the tokens of its genius, the Nova Roman People shall be inaugurated and consecrated, the birth and foundation rites and the founding lustratio shall be performed under royal auspices, and, with the addition of the extension due on next year’s Concordilia and Parilia in Rome, the founding of the Nova Roman People shall become complete.
III. THE SENATE further DECREES THAT, based on the tradition, experience and practice of the 20 founding years of the Nova Roman People, in the same ceremony on these same Ides of October, a sacred contract shall be made under royal auspices with the Genius, Lares, Manes, Penates and all the Gods Immortal of the old Roman People of the Quirites, that shall seal and constitute the foundation of the sacra publica of the Nova Roman People, the New Quirites, now limited to the current practices of Nova Roma, but allowing for future additions of restored sacra as the capacities of our people will grow.
IV. For all these reasons, THE SENATE APPOINTS Cn. Cornelius P. f. Cn. n. Lentulus Alexander, the former consul of the Nova Roman People, and senior pater familias of the renascent Roman People, as interrex of the Nova Roman People for three consecutive terms, starting from prid. Id. Oct. (14 October) and, at the same time, as acting interim rex sacrorum for only the hours until Id. Oct. (15 October) to perform and carry out all the aforementioned sacred actions, and at the same time, AUTHORIZES him to delegate his mandates, his auctoritas, imperium and auspices to his filius familias Cn. Cornelius Cn. f. P. n. Lentulus as praefectus rei publicae to act in his name.
Enacted on: a.d. IV Id. Oct. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 12th October, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
The Senate hereby establishes the Senate Preparation Committee with the task of preparing the senatores and the presiding magistrates for the upcoming senate session. The Committee is convened and chaired by any magistrate who has the power to convene a senate session. The members of the Committee are the senatores and any citizens whom the chairmen invite to the discussion. The rules of session and voting are determined by the chairmen.
Enacted on: a.d. IV Id. Oct. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 12th October, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. The Senate mandates Sex. Lucilius Tutor to establish a commission under the authority of the Senate in order to review the existing provincial boundaries and to propose reforms; the commission shall present a report to the senate, after it completed its work, with a recommendation for possible changes on the provincial boundaries.
II. The Senate Commission for Review of Provincial Boundaries shall function as a workshop and it shall be chaired by Sex. Lucilius Tutor and its deputy chairman shall be T. Domitius Draco. The members of the commission shall be any volunteer citizens whom the chairman invites to work for the commission. The rules and procedures of the commission shall be determined by the chairman and deputy chairman in agreement, and the final report to the Senate shall be determined by a majority vote of the members of the commission.
III. The commission shall be established no later than the Kalends of November and shall make its report to the Senate within one year after its establishment.
Enacted on: a.d. V Kal. Dec. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 27th November, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. This senatus consultum ultimum supplements the previous senatus consultum ultimum about the same subject, with the same title, enacted on a.d. IV Id. Oct. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. In accordance with, and under the authority of, the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, and in order that republic suffer no harm, the Senate appoints the following citizens, acknowledging their great merits, dignitas, auctoritas and historical role in the founding years of Nova Roma, as interreges for the interregnum ordered and mandated by the law:
A. Gallio Velius Marsallas, for two consecutive terms, between 28 November – 7 December.
B. M. Cassius Iulianus, depending on whether he will be available to accept the position, for two consecutive terms between 8–12 and 13–17 December. His imperium shall be validated by a separate session of the comitia curiata, only in case he is available. If he isn’t, his two terms shall be reassigned automatically so that Gallio Velius Marsallas receives the term 8–12 December and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander receives the term 13–17 December.
C. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, for three consecutive terms, between 18 December – 31 December.
II. All former and current interreges, who aren’t already senatores, shall be accorded the the position of senator effective from the day of entering office as interrex. All former magistrates, including the tribuni militum consulari potestate, who are currently members of the senate mailing list, shall be considered senatores of the album senatorium. Any new magistrate, or any private citizen, shall be admitted to the senate according to the lex Popillia senatoria from the Kalends of January by the censores. Former tribuni militum consulari potestate who also serve as governors shall bear the title “pro consule” in their provinces, unless they have ever been consul, in which case they shall use the title proconsul.
III. The office staff of the tribuni militum consulari potestate, which is still standing as the government staff office of Nova Roma now under the guidance of the interrex, shall be renamed the interrex’ staff, and is authorized to use equivalent Latin terms in their titles, replacing the terms referring to the consular tribunes. This staff shall be the permanent public administrative bureaucracy and civil service of Nova Roma, serving under the joint authority of the presidential magistrates in office.
IV. All edicta of all magistrates and governors currently in force shall remain in force until revoked by a new edictum. The automatic expiry of edicta with the end of the term of office of the issuing officer is hereby suspended until this senatus consultum ultimum is in force. A magistrate or governor cannot issue any valid edictum until in his first edictum he lists all the previous edicta of his predecessors that he revokes and those that he confirms.
V. As the Constitution V.D. stipulates: “Should a magistrate’s office become vacant during the course of his term, the Senate may appoint a replacement to serve out the remainder of the term should there be fewer than three months remaining therein,” and because there is currently no magistrate or authority that would have the power to conduct the plebeian elections, in order that the republic suffer no harm, the Senate interprets, under the authority of this senatus consultum ultimum, the currently vacant office of the tribuni plebis as falling under the scope of this section of the Constitution, and for the remaining days until December 10, the Senate appoints the following citizens as tribuni plebis and orders them to conduct the election of tribuni plebis and aediles plebis:
A. C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus
B. M. Martianius Lupus
C. A. Vergilius Figulus
D. M. Claudius Nero
E. Q. Arrius Nauta
VI. If for some reason these tribuni plebis cannot complete the elections until December 10, their term of office is automatically extended until December 31, or until the announcement of the results of the election, whichever comes sooner.
VII. As the corporation is currently not the representative of the free Republic of Nova Roma, if the currently vacant corporate offices were filled, the corporate “magistrates,” elected or appointed without the consent of the republic, must not be considered magistrates of the republic, but merely officers of the corporation, unless they receive approval by a non-corporate senatus consultum ultimum as required by the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, Section VIII. The corporate consuls, praetors, censors and quaestors thus shall be referred to exclusively as “corporate presidents, vice-presidents, secretaries and treasurers.” The corporate curule and plebeian aediles shall be exclusively referred to as curule or plebeian “cultural officers,” the tribunes of the plebs as “corporate advocates” of the plebs. The corporate senators and senate shall exclusively be referred to as “directors” and “board of directors,” the comitia as “corporate members’ assembly,” the priestly colleges as “corporate councils of priests.” The corporate governors, regardless of their title, shall be exclusively referred to as “representatives of the corporation for (name of the province),” corporate legates, prefects, curators and various minor officers shall be uniformly referred to as “corporate officers.” Any laws, edicts, senatus consulta or decrees enacted by corporate authorities shall be exclusively referred to as corporate “resolutions” or “decisions.”
Enacted on: Prid. Kal. Ian. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 31st December, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. In order that the republic suffer no harm, the election and office of vigintisexviri (Diribitor, Editor Commentariorum and Magister Aranearius) is hereby suspended until further notice. These offices can be filled at the discretion of the senate by appointment through senatus consultum ultimum. The office of diribitor can be filled by a simple edictum of the magistrate who holds the elections.
II. The category of the vigintisexviri shall be reformed and be brought in compliance with the Roman model. This reform shall be completed during the next consular year.
III. The senate can, by senatus consultum ultimum, appoint officers who attend the duties of the Magister Aranearius or Editor Commentariorum, but these offices shall have a different name, which is more alike to Roman office titles, vetted by a Latinist.
Enacted on: Prid. Kal. Ian. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 31st December, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. In order that the republic suffer no harm, and that the various magistrates and apparitores of Nova Roma can administer the republic and serve its citizens the best and most efficient way possible, in a coordinated manner, the Officium Administrationis Publicae (Office of Public Administration) shall be established..
II. The Officium Administrationis Publicae shall operate under the supervision of both consuls, and it shall be responsible for the functioning of the public service system and for civil service within Nova Roma, and shall assist, help and coordinate the work of all other magistrates and their staffs in the name, and under the imperium, of the consuls.
II.A. The Officium Administrationis Publicae shall connect the individual offices of each magistrate with the consular administration and with the Officium Administrationis Publicae itself to ensure quality assurance in each magisterial office of Nova Roma.
II.B. The Officium Administrationis Publicae shall supervise all apparitores in Nova Roma, and it shall work out an historically accurate system of the various apparitores, fulfilling also the requirement of the Constitution which states that they “shall be appointed into various decuriae (corporations) to fulfill those necessary functions as shall be assigned to them by law”. Under the current crisis, this senatus consultum ultimum authorizes the head of the Officium Administrationis Publicae to create a temporary system of the apparitors’ duties, responsibilities, ranks and titles even if that would contradict to the existing laws.
III. The Officium Administrationis Publicae shall be headed by the Praefectus Rei Publicae Administrandae, who shall be appointed by the unanimous decision of the consuls, and who remains in office until a new pair of consuls unanimously decide to remove the praefectus.
IV. The Praefectus Rei Publicae Administrandae shall have potestas to manage his office, to issue edicts relevant to his office and to appoint apparitores.
Enacted on: Prid. Kal. Ian. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 31st December, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. In order to ensure that the Vicennalia (20th Anniversary) of the Founding of Nova Roma will be remembered and celebrated with the dignity and pomp the Nova Roman People deserves, the senate establishes the temporary office of Curator Sacrorum et Ludorum Vicennalium, or Curator Vicennalium for short.
II. The Curator Vicennalium shall assist the aediles in the first place, and also the praetors and consuls, in the organization of festivals, games and celebrations during (Ludi Vicennales) the Sacred Year of Concordia, the Vicennalia of Nova Roma. The Curator is responsible that the aediles and other magistrates duly celebrate the Vicennalia with the required events and programs.
III.. The Curator Vicennalium shall be part of the office staffs of all aediles, praetors and consuls and shall have potestas to manage the aedilician staffs in case the aediles aren’t available to work or aren’t doing sufficient a work.
IV. The Senate appoints Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as Curator Sacrorum et Ludorum Vicennalium to serve from the Kalends of January until the end of the Sacred Year of Concordia.
Enacted on: Prid. Kal. Ian. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC (In the year of the Consular Tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, 31st December, 20 ANRC / 2770 AUC / 2017 AD)
I. The senatus consulta ultima and the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda which granted exceptions from the existing laws to the interreges and to the tribuni militum consulari potestate shall be valid also for the consuls until the senate determines that the crisis is over.
II. The quaestores shall be, whenever possible, assigned to governors as well, not only to central magistrates. Their assignment shall be made by edicts of the consuls and the governors.
Enacted on: a.d. VII Kal. Iun. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ XXI ANRC et MMDCCLXXI AUC, Anniversario XX Novae Romae Conditae, Anno Sacro Concordiae (In the year of the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius (II), 26th May, 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, in the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia)
The Senate makes a request to the loyal Nova Roma part of the Collegium Pontificum to make a decision regarding the status of the Pontifex Maximus, as well as regarding the status of its long-inactive members, and take the necessary measures to re-establish a functional Collegium Pontificum.
Enacted on: a.d. VII Kal. Iun. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ XXI ANRC et MMDCCLXXI AUC, Anniversario XX Novae Romae Conditae, Anno Sacro Concordiae (In the year of the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius (II), 26th May, 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, in the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia)
The Senate hereby awards the honorific “Pater Patriae” to Cn. Cornelius Lentulus in recognition of his great and indispensable efforts to liberate Nova Roma from the unconstitutional domination of a faction and for the restoration of the activities of our Republic.
Enacted on: a.d. VII Kal. Iun. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ XXI ANRC et MMDCCLXXI AUC, Anniversario XX Novae Romae Conditae, Anno Sacro Concordiae (In the year of the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius (II), 26th May, 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, in the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia)
The Senate hereby orders the holding of a constitutional convention to commence in July 2018. The Senate recognizes the need to clarify the duties of the magistrates of Nova Roma and the manner in which they are elected, provide for a functioning treasury, and establish uniform procedures for the acquisition of citizenship.
Enacted on: a.d. VII Kal. Iun. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ XXI ANRC et MMDCCLXXI AUC, Anniversario XX Novae Romae Conditae, Anno Sacro Concordiae (In the year of the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius (II), 26th May, 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, in the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia)
The Senate hereby expresses its wish that Nova Roma coinage be minted when practicable, and invites all citizens to participate in a coin design contest, to be organized at a later time. The objective is the eventual minting of a silver denarius in accordance with Republic standards. The coin shall have a diameter of approximately 19 mm. and a weight of approximately 4 gms. The design may not include the image of a living person.
Enacted on: Die Natali XX Novae Romae, Kal. Mar. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ XXI ANRC et MMDCCLXXI AUC, Anniversario XX Novae Romae Conditae, Anno Sacro Concordiae (In the year of the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius (II), on the 20th Birthday of Nova Roma on 1st March, 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, in the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia)
I. The Senate of Nova Roma, in the name of Nova Roman People, gives an official mandate to the Consuls and Praetors, and to all magistrates, governors and priests of Nova Roma, and to the Praefectus Rei Publicae, to perform public State rituals on the Concordialia, the Kalends of March, the 20th Birthday and Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, for the benefit of the Nova Roman Republic, the Senate and the People, the Quirites, our legions, our magistrates and the sacred colleges, for the well-being, prosperity, progress, success and triumph of the Nova Roman Senate and People, the Quirites, for the removal of the abusers of our citizens’ rights and the usurpers of our republic’s corporation, and in order to close our Sacred 20th Year and to solemnize the Vicennalia, this Sacred Year of Concordia, this current year of the 20th Anniversary, and to open a new decade and new era in the history of the Roman revival, Nova Roma. The officials who are required to offer sacrifice can choose to delegate someone to perform the ritual in their name and under their auspices.
II. As both Nova Roma and the Old Rome are celebrating the end of a decade, the Senate deems it most propitious to pray and sacrifice for Nova Roma in Rome in this special Year of the 20th Anniversary, the Sacred Year of Concordia, therefore, in the same manner and under the same rules as above, the Consuls C. Claudius Quadratus and T. Domitius Draco are given the mandate to offer sacrifices as mentioned above for the same reasons in the City of Rome, on the Parilia, a.d. XI Kal. Mai., on the 2070th Birthday of Rome, during the VIIIth Grand International Conventus of Nova Roma. In the same time, all other magistrates, governors and priests of Nova Roma are mandated to offer these sacrifices at the location wherever they are, with the same option to delegate the ritual as mentioned above.
III. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, as Praefectus Rei Publicae and Pontifex, in representation of last year’s Interrex Pro Rege Sacrorum Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, is mandated together with the Consuls C. Claudius Quadratus and T. Domitius Draco, to finish the ceremonies of the Completion of the Founding of the Nova Roman People, by performing those rites and actions that are required by tradition to be performed in Rome Herself and during the Parilia.
Enacted on: Die Natali XX Novae Romae, Kal. Mar. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ XXI ANRC et MMDCCLXXI AUC, Anniversario XX Novae Romae Conditae, Anno Sacro Concordiae (In the year of the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius (II), on the 20th Birthday of Nova Roma on 1st March, 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, in the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia)
The Senate of Nova Roma, in the name of the Nova Roman People, gives official mandate to the Consuls to form a committee to discuss the reorganization of the Cultus Deorum Romanorum to safeguard it from the threats of the actions of the rogue Board of Directors and to maintain its physical and spiritual health.
Enacted on: a.d. VII Kal. Iun. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ XXI ANRC et MMDCCLXXI AUC, Anniversario XX Novae Romae Conditae, Anno Sacro Concordiae (In the year of the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius (II), 26th May, 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, in the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia)
Where the stability and continued future of Yahoo! Groups is called into question, the Senate calls for the migration of all primary message lists (Forum Novum Romanum/Main List, Announcement, Senate) to the system. All secondary lists (provinces, societies, etc.) may be maintained by their governors as they see fit.
Enacted on: a.d. VI Id. Sep. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ XXI ANRC et MMDCCLXXI AUC, Anniversario XX Novae Romae Conditae, Anno Sacro Concordiae (In the year of the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius (II), 8th September, 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, in the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia)
The Senate hereby appoints A. Tullia Scholastica to an indefinite term as “Princeps Senatus.”
Enacted on: a.d. VI Id. Sep. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ XXI ANRC et MMDCCLXXI AUC, Anniversario XX Novae Romae Conditae, Anno Sacro Concordiae (In the year of the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius (II), 8th September, 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, in the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia)
The purported expulsion in MMDCCLXVII (2014 C.E.) of C. Petronius Dexter from the Collegium Pontificum, and his offices as Pontifex Maximus and Flamen Portunalis, is declared to have been illegal and, accordingly, null and void. It is requested that the Collegium Pontificum reaffirm the religious offices of C. Petronius Dexter, status quo ante.
Enacted on: a.d. VI Id. Sep. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ XXI ANRC et MMDCCLXXI AUC, Anniversario XX Novae Romae Conditae, Anno Sacro Concordiae (In the year of the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius (II), 8th September, 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, in the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia)
Provincial governors are hereby required to submit reports of local activity to the Senate or to a Consul before the Kalends of February each year. Reports need not be in any prescribed format but should cover the activity of the previous year, planned activity, and should include a statement as to whether or not the governor wishes to be reappointed.
Enacted on: Id. Apr. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 13rd April, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)
I. It was with great sadness that the Nova Roman senate learned of the death of consular senator M. Minucius Audens, one of the founding generation and first citizens of Nova Roma. The Republic is in grief, and the senate is mourning the loss of their fellow senator, a friend to many, the illustrious M. Minucius Audens. Our respected old M. Audens was one of the greatest Nova Romans in our res publica, a true Roman and a wonderful man beloved by the citizenry. All members of the senate extend their sincere and deeply felt condolences to the family and friends of senator M. Minucius Audens, and to the entire citizenry of Nova Roma, for the loss of our excellent fellow citizen. His loss is felt even more tragically as he departed from us in the Year of the 20th Anniversary of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia, while we were celebrating Nova Roma all year long with the greatest enthusiasm, pride and happiness. His ascension to our ancestors in that special year made the Nova Roman People even sadder, although, at the same time, the senate and the People feel blessed that we could have the our great father M. Audens with us throughout it this sacred 20th Anniversary Year and he could remain with us almost until the end of the celebrations.
II. In order to honor the memory of the late illustrious M. Minucius Audens, to express gratitude for his many great contributions to Nova Roma, for his 20 years of dedication to our commonwealth, and to pay homage to the greatness of his character and importance for Nova Roman history, the senate is hereby awarding and declaring an exceptional funus censorium state funeral as an extraordinary award, which was a privilege of former censores, although M. Minucius Audens has never been a censor. This highest honor was given only to the very greatest and most special of Romans by our ancestors. Further, the senate also authorizes a donation of an unspecified amount of dollars to the family of M. Minucius Audens toward the costs of the funeral in the name of the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. This unspecified donation shall count as if it were given from the Treasury of Nova Roma, but due to the current problems, this unspecified amount of money shall be raised by a fundraising managed by our consules. Recognizing that the actual funeral arranged by the family has been already held a. d. V Id. Mai. (11 May), this funus censorium serves as our separate funerary tribute but also supports the actual funeral financially.
III. The funus censorium of M. Minucius Audens shall take place in a form of a funerary ritual and sacrifice conducted by one or both of the consuls, based on their agreement. The volunteering consul has the usual authorization to request one of the pontifices to perform the ritual in his place.
IV. The funus censorium ritual shall take place on the date appointed by the volunteering consul, and published in a consular edict on the funus censorium of M. Audens. Before issuing the edict, the consul shall obtain an approval for the chosen day from a pontifex and an augur because of the calendrical complications of Roman religion. If the consul chooses to perform the ritual through the person of a pontifex, he has to arrange the date with the officiating pontifex before publishing the edict.
V. The senate, to further honor the memory of M. Minucius Audens, hereby officially declares a state mourning for the funeral of M. Minucius Audens, which shall take place beginning from the day which precedes the funus censorium ritual, and shall last three days.
VI. These three days are declared Dies Nefasti Publici (NP), and, according to the Decretum Pontificum de Diebus III.A., no official state business, no judicial procedure, no comitia shall be held, no edicts shall be issued on these days.
VII. During this state mourning period, the main page of the Nova Roma website shall show nothing else but a tribute to M. Minucius Audens, his mourning portrait, black flags and similar symbols of grief, and other main portal pages of the website shall contain a black flag and reference to the mourning for M. Minucius Audens.
VIII. On each day of the state mourning period, the consuls shall take care that there be a daily public message on the official fora of Nova Roma calling the citizens’ attention to the mourning and asking for prayers for M. Minucius Audens.
IX. The senate also instructs all aediles (curule and plebeian) collegially as a body to hold public funerary games in honor and in memory of M. Minucius Audens no later than within one month after the funus censorium. The memorial funerary games shall be called Ludi Minucii (Minucian Games) and shall include virtual munera gladiatoria and a biography contest about the life and Roman activities of M. Audens. The rest of the programs, including the length of the games, is at the discretion of the curule and plebeian aediles, but they shall not exceed 5 days.
X. The senate determines that the next coin officially issued by Nova Roma shall remember M. Minucius Audens, besides Ti. Galerius Paulinus to whom this honor was already granted by a previous senatus consultum.
Enacted on: Id. Apr. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 13rd April, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)
As the Board of Directors of the corporation that so far represented our republic is still contested by the members of Nova Roma who see the current Board of Directors as illegal, and the current Board of Directors spends the money of Nova Roma on its own legal defense against the very members of Nova Roma who seek to restore the corporation to normal functioning after the damages caused by the current Board of Directors, particularly by L. Sulla and Cn. Caesar, the (non-corporate) senate decides the following alternatives to the usual taxpayment so that the republic suffer no harm and the citizens can aid the functioning of our community yet still remain in control over their public treasury:
I. Any citizen, who donates any amount of money which is no lower than 9 USD toward the Legal Defense Fund, governed by legatus pro praetore P. Porcius Licinus, will be classified as non-corporate “assiduus” (taxpayer) for the current year Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. (2019).
II. Any citizen, who donates any amount of money which is no lower than 9 USD in support of the organization of an International Conventus of Nova Roma will be classified as non-corporate “assiduus” (taxpayer) for the current year Q. Arrio P.. Annaeo cos. (2019). This way of donating will be open only if there is an International Conventus of Nova Roma this year, and the method of payment will be edicted by the consuls.
III. These taxes shall not be advertized as the usual “taxes” (membership fees) in Nova Roma in order not to cause a misleading confusion between these voluntary donations and the membership fee within Nova Roma, Inc. This call for donations doesn’t qualify and is not intended to be perceived as the membership fee within Nova Roma, Inc. This donation is outside of the corporate frames of Nova Roma, Inc, and it is intended as a collection of private donations toward financing the solution of the legal problems of Nova Roma, Inc., by the legal methods and by the legal means of attorneys financed thus by the members of Nova Roma, Inc, and as private donations to help organizing the major community meeting of the year. Members of Nova Roma don’t gain any offices, titles or any status within Nova Roma, Inc., by contributing these donations, but they will be recognized only within the non-corporate community of Nova Roma, which currently plays the role of the Nova Roman res publica.
IV. The deadline for submitting the aforementioned donations will be the Kalends of Sextilis (1 August).
V. Citizens who don’t contribute the donations as described above will be classified as capite censi and will lose their state positions, offices and titles, which are connected to a required assiduus status, including senatorial or equestrian status, after pridie Kal. Ian. (31 December) if they won’t make their donations until the end of the year.
VI. A late donation made after Kal. Sext. (1 August) should be no lower than 18 USD, the double of the basic donation. If a citizen obtains his citizenship after the Kalends of Quinctilis (1 July), he shall donate the normal amount until the end of the year, without the penalty.
Enacted on: Id. Apr. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 13rd April, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)
The senate instructs the consuls to compensate for the delay with quick action and to mandate the governors, repeatedly and vigorously, to submit a provincial activity report until the Kalends of June (1 June) which is the extended deadline for this year. Governors are prorogued until Kal. Iun. or until the next senatus consultum on their positions, whichever comes first. Reports should contain the list of activities that the province had since the last report was made, the activities of the governor, and a statement from the governor if he or she wishes to be prorogued.
Enacted on: Id. Apr. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 13rd April, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)
The senate declares that the requirement of a 2/3rd or 4/5th majority in the voting of the comitia or the senate, or of any state institution, for the enactment of leges, senatus consulta or decreta, or of any form of law, is illegal since our Constitution doesn’t recognize any other special majority requirements than the one that is required for the modification of the Constitution itself. The 2/3rd or 4/5th majority requirements had been illegally introduced to the Nova Roman legal system as an instrument of the tyranny of L. Sulla and Cn. Caesar, and served only as a way to obstruct future initiatives and further legislation that weren’t according to the preferences of their faction. In order that the republic suffer no harm, the senate nullifies the validity of any special majority requirements other than simple majority (50% plus one vote) for the modification or repealing of any legal instrument in Nova Roma, with the exception of the one that the Constitution recognizes. Special majorities required in types of decision making other than the voting of the senate, the priestly colleges or the comitia remain in force.
Enacted on: Id. Apr. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 13rd April, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)
The senate authorizes consul Q. Arrius to send the official letter from the senate of Nova Roma about friendship to Ropaganism organization that the consul presented to the senate during the debate with any potential modifications that he might deem necessary later but without any change in the meaning.
Enacted on: Id. Apr. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 13rd April, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)
I. The Senate and People of Nova Roma commends Proquaestor Regionis Marcomanniae Ti. Iulius Nerva, Legatus Legati Pro Praetore and his fellow Pannonian Czech Nova Romans in Marcomannia for their work towards the organization of Regio Marcomannia of the Nova Roman Pannonia Provincia, especially for the work he had done under his tenure as Praefectus Civitatis Boihaemi. Special recognition is due also to the governor Legatus Pro Praetore Pannoniae Cn. Cornelius Lentulus for supporting and overseeing the development of this regional community within Pannonia, and for encouraging the establishment of an independent new province under his responsabilty and guidance, and Legatus Legati Pro Praetore Sex. Lucilius Tutor, for initiating the Czech participation in Nova Roma. However, in lack of a Report from the Proquaestor Regionis Ti. Iulius Nerva, Legatus Legati Pro Praetore, the Senate of Nova Roma is unable to make a definite, final decision, even though in the representation of Regio Marcomannia Legatus Sex. Lucilius Tutor supported the decision and the governor of the province Pannonia, Legatus Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelius Lentulus confirmed his recommendation for the birth of this new province and the appointment of Ti. Iulius as governor.
II. Considering past announcements about positive developments Regio Marcomannia of Pannona Provincia, and the current testimonies of governor Cn. Lentulus and legate Sex. Lucilius, as a recognition and our sign of trust in their testimonies and in the active work of Ti. Iulius Nerva and the Marcomannian Pannonians of Nova Roma, the senate decrees that Regio Marcomannia is hereby separated from Provincia Pannonia, and as a new province of the Nova Roman People, Provincia Marcomannia of Nova Roma is hereby established, founded and created by the date of the Kalends of May (1 May).
III. In the trust he will continue to serve Nova Roma and the interests of Nova Roma with utmost loyalty and dedication, the Senate appoints Ti. Iulius Nerva as temporary Legatus Pro Praetore Provinciae Marcomannia, to serve as temporary governor until the Kalends of September (1 September), effective from the Kalends of May, and to submit a Regio Marcomannia Report about all the past activities within Regio Marcomannia while it was part of Pannonia until these Kalends of May. Where possible, photos should be included. If he submits this Report to the consuls before Kal. Sept., he is automatically prorogued as permanent governor of Marcomannia, without senate voting needed. If he fails to submit the Report before Kal. Sept, his governorship expires automatically, and he will have to apply for the position again.
Enacted on: Id. Apr. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 13rd April, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)
I. The senate hereby rescinds the senatus consultum on the application process for citizenship and a competing organization and the senatus consultum on warnings to new or returning applicants for citizenship.
II. The senate hereby retroactively recognizes the reinstatement of citizenship of all citizens who were reinstated during the crisis since a.d.. XVI Kal. Dec. (17 Nov.) M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. by the tribuni militum consulari potestate, consules acting under the authority of SCU, or censores.
Enacted on: Id. Apr. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 13rd April, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)
I. In the spirit of the same Concordia whom we celebrated in the recently completed Sacred Year of Concordia, the 20th Anniversary of Nova Roma, in the spirit of Roman brotherhood and unity, the senate wishes to demonstrate its utmost wish for ending all hostilities and to reunite the big family of Nova Romans again, and to invite back to the community of citizens those people who decided to side with the Sullan-Caesarian Coup Faction, and by doing so, contributed to the aggravation of the current status of crisis and the ceasing of the operation of the macronational corporation of our republic.
II. The error that these supporters of the coup d’état committed was severe, and if it was fully intentional on their part, is hardly forgivable. It is completely unforgivable, and demands internal Roman trial procedure if they didn’t change their mind after seeing that the illegal dictator was expelling citizens, knights, senators, and magistrates for life, free speech was abolished, and the illegal dictator planned to distribute thousands of Census Points to a select few, creating an eternally ruling oligarchic clique over Nova Roma. It is unforgivable if they still supported L. Sulla and Cn. Caesar after the attorneys of the citizens demonstrated that the actions of Sulla and Caesar were illegal not only within Nova Roman law, but according to macronational law, as well, thus jeopardizing the existence of Nova Roma, Inc. It is not only unforgivable, but it is beyond comprehension, if they still support these erroneous actions after their paramount leader, Cn. Caesar himself, admitted his own crimes, mistaken calculations and wrong ideas on law, and left Nova Roma as a sign of admission of his guilt. The senate under the government of the liberator citizens who defended Nova Roma from the coup d’état, however, wishes to give a chance now to the participants of the coup faction, even if they insisted until this time that the coup of Caesar and Sulla was a legal and positive event for Nova Roma. The senate recognizes that from good will bad things can sometimes happen, even with the best intentions and with the best people. If these supporters of the coup publicly recognize that they committed a mistake, whether out of frustration or out of good will, the senate hereby grants them public amnesty (immunity from the consequences within the judicial system of Nova Roma) and allows them to join the (non-corporate) senate discussions and resume their places in Nova Roma.
III. The formal requirement of this amnesty is a public apology to the Senate and People of Nova Roma for their mistake of supporting the coup d’état of Sulla and Caesar. The public apology, in order to satisfy this senatus consultum, must include the following statements (other wordings are possible, but all elements of these statements must be mentioned):
1. “I, ————————–, a citizen of Nova Roma, have come to realize that my support of the illegal dictatorship, which was later revealed to be a coup d’état of L. Sulla and Cn. Caesar, resulted from errors of judgment that I regret. I apologize for supporting the expulsion of innocent citizens and a tyrannical form of government as well as the spending of the treasury of Nova Roma on the defense of the perpetrators of the coup. I wish to make amends and I will do my utmost to insure that there will never be a repetition of the events of that dark episode in our history. I recognize the current non-corporate magistrates and non-corporate senate as the only valid continuation of Nova Roma. I appreciate the damage that the coup d’état of L. Sulla and Cn. Caesar has caused Nova Roma, and I fully support the efforts of the non-corporate government to restore the corporation of Nova Roma and its corporate assets from the hands of L.. Sulla into the hands of the membership.”
2. If the individual in question had any role in the establishment of the illegal dictatorship or in its maintenance (e.g. accepted an office), a specific statement should include apologizing for these actions
IV. The citizens understood in this senatus consultum as supporters of the coup d’état are those senators who voted in favor of the dictatorship on the Board of Directors session in January (2016) Cn. Lentulo T. Domitio (I) cos. This category doesn’t include L. Sulla and Cn. Caesar themselves.
Enacted on: a.d. IV Kal. Iun. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 29th May, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)
I. After Nova Roma received the new Palladium and came into the possession of the worldwide renascent Roman People in its 20th year, on the Ides of October Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. (2770 AUC / 2017 AD) at the Completion of the Founding of the New Roman Nation, and the Confirmation of the Declaration was issued by the royal decree of the interim rex sacrorum and interrex Cn. Lentulus Alexander, in which Nova Roma proclaimed itself as the property of all Romans around the world, and after the leaders of Nova Roma presented the new Palladium and Nova Roma in Rome on the Parilia C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos., (2771 AUC / 2018) in the 20th Anniversary, the Sacred Year of Concordia, Nova Roma entered a new phase in the history of Roman revivalism and reconstructionism, where a fully established New Roman People can honor the Roman gods. After all these important steps, this year the Parilia, the birthday of Rome, and the Roman Catholic Pascha or Easter fell on the same day this year.
II. The end of the history of our ancestors, the ancient Romans, was accompanied by a religious conflict between the traditional Roman religion and the Christian religion, when Rome adopted the Christian religion as its state religion, and the old religion of our gods was banned. In the next 1500 years after the fall of the Old Roman People, Christianity also became a traditional and ancestral religion of Rome, most of the ancestors of the present day Nova Romans were Christians generation after generation. The New Roman People came into existence in 2751 AUC / 1998 AD and the worship of the Roman gods have been restored. In this time of Roman revival, in this more peaceful and understanding age of religions, Christian citizens accepted the primacy of Roman polytheism as the sacra publica of Nova Roma: cultores of the old Roman gods and Christians joined their hands for the same goals. In the two decades of Nova Roma, there were dozens of notable Christian citizens and magistrates who respected the Roman religion and even participated in its rituals. Those Christian Nova Romans who respect the Roman religion and its practitioners, and those cultores who respect Christians and their religions became the example of the Pax Deorum and the true unification of all modern Romans. As a polytheist culture, we cannot refute the divinity of the Christian god or the validity of the Christian religion: Roman religion doesn’t deny the existence of the gods of other religions. We cannot consider the Christian god a foreign god, after his cult in Rome was established about 1950 years ago and has remained the official religion for 1600 years. It would be impietas to offend the god of our more recent ancestors, because honoring our ancestors is the core of the Roman religion. Christianity shall be considered as one of the many mystery religions of Rome, and thus part of the extended sphere of Roman culture, or Late Roman culture.
III. Inspired by the coincidence of the Parilia and the Pascha this year after the recent developments of Nova Roma, the Completion of the Founding, the establishment of the new Palladium, the bringing of the Palladium back to Rome, we believe that the Roman gods are pleased, and by having caused these developments in Nova Roma just preceding this coincidence of festivals, both the Christian god of Rome and the old gods of Rome are giving a joint sign together on the birthday of Rome: the rebirth of Rome has really started.
IV. For all these reasons, the senate declares, that in this renewed Nova Roma, there shall be no place for religious conflicts between our citizens, but people of any faith who recognize and respect the traditional ancient Roman religion as the state religion of Nova Roma, shall be united in their efforts for the revival of the Roman nation and Roman culture and virtues within the frames of the state religion, the religio Romana or cultus deorum Romanorum. Offending or violating the religion of any citizen will not be permitted, but in the context of the state affairs of Nova Roma, the cultus deorum Romanorum shall have exclusive primacy, and the focus of Nova Roma shall always be, as enshrined in the Confirmed Declaration of Nova Roma, the restoration of the polytheistic religion of the Roman People. With this senatus consultum, in order to establish the new Pax Deorum, we recognize that the Christian god is one of the gods of the mystery religions or sacra privata and thus, one of the adopted gods of Rome and the Roman People.
V. The collegium pontificum has to approve this senatus consultum in order to take force.
Enacted on: a.d. IV Kal. Iun. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 29th May, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)
The time schedule requirements in the senatus consultum de ratione senatus regarding the required or allowed period of time for the length of the senate session, of the debate period, of the voting period, and of any procedure that is regulated therein can be disregarded by the convening magistrate if there is no objection from any senator. If a senator makes an objection against the time schedule of the senate session which differs from the one required by the senatus consultum de ratione senatus, the presiding magistrate shall return to follow strictly the schedule regulations in the senatus consultum de ratione senatus. Such an objection has to be made no later than within 72 hours from the posting of the time schedule of the session in order to have effect.
Enacted on: a.d. IV Kal. Iun. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 29th May, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)
The senate designated Aquincum, in Pannonia Provincia (Budapest, Hungary) as the place of the next Grand International Conventus of Nova Roma in May 2773 AUC (2020 AD), at the time of the Floralia Aquincensia Nova Romana public festival. The senate will decide about further details later.