This is a draft Latin and English translation of the Confirmation of the Declaration of Nova Roma. There will be some stylistic changes in the upcoming weeks.
(Latin version, for the English draft translation, scroll down!)
Nos, renascens Populus Romanus Quirites, quod Declarationis Novae Romae praecepta sequens Populus Novus Romanus praeteritis XX annis caerimonias et sacra Populi Romani Quiritium colendo curandoque communitatis Populi Romani cum Diis Romanis atque religionis et cultus Deorum Romanorum fundamenta restituit et mores, instituta Populi Romani Quiritium renovando Romae resuscitandae, restituendae, restaurandae studere incepit, hoc sacerrimo XX anno Populi Novi Romani, ut actus condendi concluderemus, Palladium et sacerrima pignora renascentis Populi Romani Populo Novo Romano consecravimus, quo facto Lares, Manes, Penates, Genium Publicum Populi Romani Quiritium, omnes deos immortales Populi Romani invocavimus, ut Populum Novum Romanum populum patrium suum ingenuum et Novam Romam domum suam et patriam mancipio acciperent, atque rem publicam Novam Romanam, Populumque Novum Romanum, ipsamque Novam Romam renascenti Populo Romano Quiritibus totius orbis terrarum civitatem patriamque dedicavimus, et rem publicam Novam Romanam Populumque Novum Romanum renascenti Populo Romano mancipio accepimus.
Auspiciis regiis optimis faustissimisque Lares, Manes, Penates, Genius Publicus, omnes Di immortales Populi Romani Quiritium atque renascens Populus Romanus Populum Novum Romanum remque publicam Novam Romanam mancipio acceperunt, atque Nova Roma motus et consociatio ad rem Romanam reficiundam atque res publica renascentis Populi Romani instituta est, quae totius orbis terrarum Romanitatis motus et idea Populi Romani restituendi nullius organizationis, corporationis vel collegii proprietas et possessio sed ipsius renascentis Populi Romani Quiritium singulorumque Romanorum, sive cives Novae Romae sint, sive non sint, ubicumque sint, omnium sua et propria est universa communio.
Eisdem optimis faustissimisque regiis auspiciis institutione pronuntiatuque regio populum Novum Romanum, comitia, magistratus, senatum, collegia sacerdotum cumque dis immortalibus populi Romani communitatem, sacra, vota, religionem rite instituta esse pronuntiamus, quibus leges, iura, acta, facta, mores, consuetudines nullo alio modo vigeant nisi praeceptis huius Declarationis Confirmatae atque optimis exemplis moris maiorum antiqui Populi Romani constituantur.
Quibus rebus confectis Populum Novum Romanum ac Novam Romam rem publicam renascentis Populi Romani rite perfecteque conditum esse declaramus, atque caerimoniis ritibusque Populi Novi Romani condendi perfectis Populo Novo Romano hoc propositum esse declaramus, ut urbs Nova Roma condatur, qua urbe condita nos, renascens Populus Romanus in populo Novo Romano Quirites civitas resque publica inter gentes vera et propria simus, et ex qua urbe Nova Roma operantes Romam antiquam populo Romano Quiritibus restituamus.
His verbis Declarationem Novae Romae confirmamus, ut Senatu Populoque Novo Romano rite sacrisque propriis aucto et fundato renovato vigore annuntietur:
Nos, Senatus Populusque Novus Romanus, ut fundamenta Occidentalis civilizationis restituta sint, declaramus Novam Romam conditam esse tamquam sui iuris gentem. Declaramus Novam Romam orbis gentem liberam Remque Publicam esse, cui propria constitutio et legitimum imperium et totum omnium gentium ius et auctoritates sint, quas talis status conferat.
Sibi, ut sui iuris gens Nova Roma est, poscit varias terras et omnium gentium ius:
Antiqui imperii Romani terram nostrae culturae deorumque cultus patriam esse agnoscimus, atque iura, quae a scriptoribus rerum gestarum nobis tradita sunt, in locis terrisque postulamus, quibus Res Publica Romana potita erat ab anno DCCLIII ACN usque ad CCCLXXXXV AD.
Novissimis civilibus rebus cognitis scimus non licere, ut totae priscae terrae nobis proditae sint. Itaque hunc terminum vindiciis nostris ponimus, quod terra nobis sit aequo spatio atque liberae civitati Vaticanae, quae continentia iugera CVIII sunt. Quo in loco caput condendum est ad culturam nostram administrandam, quod speciem Fori Romani habebit. Cui Rei Publicae administrandae et sacrorum Novorum Romanorum capiti locus definiendus erit.
Praeterea, ut nos in orbe terrarum praesentes esse possimus, Nova Roma postulat, ut publicus ager noster augeatur et per locos praebeatur quos Res Publica nostra et cives et religionis societates suo iure habere, occupare et tueri possint toto orbe terrarum. Sub duplici dominatu hae terrae erunt, cultura menteque sub Novae Romae curatione, etsi civilem potestatem legesque aliarum hospitalium gentium sequentur. Sponsionem spondemus omnibus societatibus utilem et salutarem culturae mentisque auctoritatem nos fore, dum aequo animo in rebus publicis maneamus et legitime agamus.
Nova Roma etiam duplicem dominatum in omnibus locis, ubi di deaeque antiquae Romae a civibus nostris culti erunt, in tempus poscit ad nostrum culturae mentisque consensum tutandum. Is duplex dominatus a populo regetur, dum sacra et ritus manebunt. Itaque tamen una cultura unaque gens erimus, cum in diversis regionibus civitatibusque vivemus.
Civitas Nova Romana hominibus omnium gentium generumque patet. Gentis enim nostrae patens consilium est inter se gentium conscientiae adiumentoque consulere, atque toti Occidentali civilizationi novum vitae modum et honorem inferre per restitutionem antiquae Pietatis et Virtutis et Civilitatis.
Nos, cives Senatusque Novae Romae sollemniter desistimus, sine ulla exceptione et in aeternum, a virium usu et seditione et coercitione et minationibus, ut nostrum inter gentes statum et postulata impetremus. Adnitimur, ut legitima et pacifica et salutaris gens simus, atque cum principiis, quae orbis societas agnoscit et sequitur, consentiamus.
Subscripserunt, hoc die, pro Senatu Populoque Novo Romano:
prid. Kal. Mar. Fl. Vedio M. Cassio cos. ‡ I ANRC et MMDCCLI AUC
Flavius Vedius Germanicus, consul
Marcus Cassius Iulianus, consul
Confirmavit, hoc die Populi Novi Romani rite condendi, pro Senatu Populoque Novo Romano:
prid. Id. Oct. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, interrex, rex sacrorum
(English draft version)
We, the renascent Roman People, the Quirites, whereas following the principles of the Declaration of Nova Roma in the past 20 years, the Nova Roman People, by honoring and taking care of the ceremonies and rituals of the Roman People, restored the foundations of the relationship of the Roman People with the Gods of Rome, the foundations of the Roman religion and of the reverence of the Roman Gods, and by recreating the traditions and institutions of the Roman People, began the work of resurrecting, reviving and restoring Rome, in this most sacred 20th year of the Nova Roman Nation, in order that we complete the acts of the founding, we have consecrated the Palladium and the most sacred Pignora of the renascent Roman People to the Nova Roman People, and by doing so, we have invoked the Lares, Manes, Penates, the Genius of the Roman People, the Quirites, and all Gods Immortal of the Roman People so that they take full possession of the Nova Roman People as their genuine ancestral nation, and of Nova Roma, as their home and fatherland, and we have dedicated the Nova Roman Republic, the Nova Roman Nation, and Nova Roma itself, as their community and spiritual home, to the renascent Roman People of the world, and we have taken possession of the Republic and Nation of Nova Roma.
Under the greatest and most favorable royal auspices, the Lares, Manes, Penates, the Genius Publicus and all the Gods Immortal of the Roman People, the Quirites, and the renascent Roman People took full possession of the Nova Roman Nation and Republic, and, with this, Nova Roma has been fully established as the movement to the restoration of the Roman State and as the commonwealth of the renascent Roman People worldwide, which, as a movement and general idea of the revival of the Roman Nation, shall not be the property of any organization, corporation or group, but it shall be the property of the renascent Roman People of the world, the universal communion of all and each single Roman, whether they are citizens of Nova Roma or not, and wherever they are in the world.
Under the same great and favorable royal auspices, by royal establishment and pronouncement, we ceremonially pronounce the complete and full establishment of the Nova Roman Nation, the Comitia, the Magistrates, the Senate, the Sacred Colleges, and our contract with the Gods of the Roman People, the order of ceremonies, ritual obligations and the entire Roman religion, with their laws, rights, actions, traditions and customs, which may have validity and foce only if they will not violate the principles of this Confirmation of the Declaration or the best examples of the mos maiorum of the ancient Roman People.
With the accomplishment of these things, we declare the completion of the ceremonial and ritual founding of the New Roman Nation and Nova Roma as the republic of the renascent Roman People worldwide, and with the perfect completion of the ceremonies and rituals of the founding of the New Roman Nation, we declare that the mission of the Nova Roman People shall be the founding of the City of Nova Roma, so that by the founding of our city, we, the renascent Roman People embodied in the Nova Roman People, become a real nation and state among the nations of the world, and that by working from the City of Nova Roma, we restore ancient Rome and the Roman People, the Quirites.
With these words, hereby we confirm the Declaration of Nova Roma, and, strengthened by the proper and complete ceremonial founding of the Senate and People of Nova Roma, we proclaim with renewed force:
We, the Senate and People of New Rome, in order to restore the foundations of Western civilization, declare the founding of Nova Roma as a sovereign nation. We manifest Nova Roma as an independent world nation and republic, with its own legal constitution and lawful government, with all international rights and responsibilities that such status carries.
As a sovereign nation Nova Roma makes the following claim to various international territories and rights:
We acknowledge ancient Roman territory to be our cultural and religious homeland, and claim historical rights to all sites and territories which were under the direct control or administration of the ancient Roman Republic and Empire between 753 BCE and 395 CE.
We recognize the modern political realities which make the restoration of such ancient lands to us impossible. Therefore we limit our active territorial claim to an amount of land at least equal to that held by the sovereign state of Vatican City; 108 contiguous acres. On this land a world capital for the administration of our culture will be founded in the form of a Forum Romanum. The exact site for this New Roman governmental and spiritual capital is to be determined.
Further, in order that our world presence may be established, Nova Roma claims our physical territory to be extant and manifest through those places that our state, citizens, and religious organizations may physically own, occupy, and maintain throughout the world. These territories shall exist in a status of dual sovereignty, being under the cultural and spiritual administration of Nova Roma, even as they remain under the civil dominion and laws of other hosting nations. Our pledge is to embody a benign and beneficial cultural and spiritual influence throughout all societies, while remaining politically neutral and lawful in action.
Nova Roma also claims temporary dual sovereignty over all other sites where the gods and goddesses of ancient Rome shall be worshiped by our citizens, to preserve our cultural and spiritual unity. This dual sovereignty shall be administered by the People directly and shall last only for the duration of religious ceremonies and rites. In this way we shall remain one culture and nation, even as we exist throughout other world countries.
Citizenship in Nova Roma is open to people of all nationalities and races. The express purpose of our nation is to promote international understanding and cooperation through the preservation of our common classical foundation, and to breathe new life and honor into all Western Civilization through the restoration of ancient Piety, Virtue, and Civilitas.
We, the citizens and Senate of New Rome hereby formally renounce, eternally and without exception, the use of force, rebellion, coercion, or intimidation in the pursuit of our international status and claims. We strive to exist as a lawful, peaceful and benign nation, in accord with the principles acknowledged and shared by the world community.
Signed this day on behalf of the Senate and People of the New Rome:
prid. Kal. Mar. Fl. Vedio M. Cassio cos. ‡ I ANRC and MMDCCLI AUC
Fl. Vedius Germanicus, consul
M. Cassius Iulianus, consul
Confirmed this day, on the day of the Completion of the Founding of the Nova Roman Nation, on behalf of the Senate and People of the New Rome:
prid. Id. Oct. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ XX ANRC et MMDCCLXX AUC
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, interrex, rex sacrorum